Beauty Tips For a Muslim Woman

  1. To beautify your eyes : 
    • lower your gaze towards strange men, this will make your eyes pure and shiny
  2. To beautify your face with brightness :
    • keep doing wudhu at least 5 times a day
  3. To have attractive lips :
    • keep them busy with the remembrance of Ø§Ù„له , reciting Al-Qur'an and always speak good to people
  4. To have soft skin all over our body :
    • "hijaab" and "Modesty" ; particular the clothes that are not transparent and revealing
  5. To have beautiful heart :
    •  do dhikr and istighfar to always asking forgiveness from allah
  6. As for your jewelry :
    • beautify your hands with humbleness, give charity to the poor, and make sure you always walk to the pathway that will lead you to "Jannah"       

   Yes, Islam has an answer for all. With the permission of god, and willingness if you follow this simple advices you will have a beautiful inner and outer appearance.

    'No woman in this world is prettier than a muslimah who dresses to please الله. The beauty is on her personality, her soul, her shyness, in her deen and her iman. And what could be more beautiful about a woman that when you look at her she reminds of you الله '